Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Character Forum for Legacy

Last year, I attended Socon07, a conference on social networking (forums, blogs, linked-in, etc.). Some call it Web 2.0 - the transformation of the Web from a place to read people's stuff to a place where people meet, chat and share ideas. My Space, Facebook and endless other sites have revolutionized how we use the Web. Utilizing these tools could revolutionize the way provide resources to youth workers and character education leaders. I plan to attend Socon08 in a few weeks.

Speaking of Web 2.0, we're starting a character education forum this month at . Our purpose is to start making our character initiative more two-way, giving everyone the opportunity to chime in about what's working and what's not. If we get enough response, we can gain a lot of wisdom through posting questions, getting responses from across the globe, and sharing resources. Since we have from 450 to 600 people visiting our character site
( ) daily, there's a vast amount of wisdom we'd like to draw from. One conversation has already begun. Hopefully, we'll start hearing from others soon.

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